When I started my media diet journal I was going to try to see if I could stay away from the media but that lasted for about 2 minutes on the walk from class to my car. Where without even thinking about it I turned my
Sirius radio on to listen to some crunchy tunes. That is when I realized that it would be impossible not to come in contact with the media in some way, shape, or form for five days. So, that's when I decided to cancel my previous plans to try and not come in contact with the media because lets face I would literally have to lock my self in the closet, so I found it easier to embrace and enjoy the all the media around me. Tuesday through Friday my media journal is very consistent for example the first thing I do everyday when I get to a computer is check my e-mail and then I go to ESPN ,
bama On-line, or facebook from their all depends what is on my mind at the time. I will probably get on the
Internet on a computer at least five times a day. Now when I say that I get on the
Internet in front of the computer at least five times a day that is not all the web surfing I am doing I am constantly on internet on my phone!!! The first day I started to keep my journal I completely forgot about all the times I use the internet on my phone, but the next day I was more aware of my phone as a media source and got on the internet 10 times between 9:30- 12:00 pm . When I stop and think about I would have to consider my phone one of my media sources because it takes pictures, shoots video, and i can surf the web on it. It makes you think what would people do without the use of their phone for just one day. The most interesting way I came in contact with the media was when my friend sent me a text message with a link to a article about about an all white basketball league starting in Georgia, I know how ridiculous. But what was cool I was able to do this all on my phone while listening to the radio while driving. I know it sounds dangerous but that is how easy we have made access to the media in today's society. I think this whole experience really made me realize how most of are lives are controlled by the media and it is really what makes the world work. in today's world it is impossible to get something done with out some form of media helping you along the way.